Sunday, October 25, 2009

Lesson 15 - A Heavenly Model

Never before had the Lord manifested such mighty signs and wonders as when He delivered the children of Israel from slavery in Egypt. Plague after plague fell upon the Pharaoh's kingdom until he was forced to release his captives. Then the Lord parted the Red Sea and led the young nation to freedom, while drowning their pursuing enemies behind them.

After entering the wilderness, God surprised many of His people by leading them south--in the opposite direction of the Promised Land. The Lord knew that before they would be prepared to receive their inheritance, they must be organized and taught to trust Him. As they journeyed to Mount Sinai, God supplied their every need. When they became hungry, God fed them with bread from heaven. When they became thirsty, the Lord brought water cascading from a boulder. When suddenly attacked from behind by an enemy, they were given a miraculous victory.

Finally, the Israelites camped at the base of the holy mountain. There God did something He has not done before or since. He spoke, in the hearing of a whole nation, His covenant, the Ten Commandments. After the Lord audibly spoke His law, He called Moses up Mount Sinai to receive a transcript written in stone. But God also gave him something else. While on the mountain with the Lord for 40 days and 40 nights, Moses received detailed instructions to build a beautiful, portable temple for God. It would be a small model of His actual dwelling place in heaven. This unique structure was to serve as a three-dimensional object lesson to the whole world of God's plan to save us from sin.

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