Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Lesson 18 - Windows of Heaven

Jacob had never felt so destitute and alone--and it was all because he had been devious and greedy. First Jacob had bribed Esau, his elder twin, into selling his birthright. Then, with his mother's help, he tricked his blind father, Isaac, into giving him the paternal blessing that rightfully belonged to Esau.

Now Jacob was fleeing from home, partly to escape the murderous threats of his offended brother. He bowed his head and cried when he thought of how all his grasping plans had backfired. Alone in the wilderness, with only a stone for a pillow and a stick for protection, Jacob tried to rest. He wondered if he would ever see his parents again--and if God would forgive him. Exhausted, Jacob drifted off to sleep. Soon he found himself bathed in the brilliant glow of a vivid dream. He saw a blazing light streaming from the open heavens, with a beautiful stairway spanning from the glory above to the earth below. There were countless shimmering angels traveling up and down this ladder.

Then Jacob heard the Lord speak from heaven and promise to bless him in his journey. The Lord also confirmed with Jacob the same covenant He had made with Abraham and Isaac. When he awoke, Jacob fell on his knees and made a vow to abandon his greedy ways. He promised, "Of all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee." Genesis 28:22.

God accepted this vow and opened the windows of heaven so that when Jacob returned home 20 years later, he had become a very prosperous and generous man.

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