Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lesson 2 - Back to Jerusalem

The disciples of Jesus were completely devastated. All of their hopes and dreams for the new kingdom of God had been nailed to a cross the previous Friday. Reeling with grief and confusion, Cleopas and his companion slowly made the seven-mile trip from Jerusalem down to their home in the little town of Emmaus. As the sun was setting that Sunday afternoon and they trod their way down the bumpy road, a stranger drew near to journey with them. Little did they know that this new traveling companion was the resurrected Lord Himself. Paying little heed to their fellow pilgrim, the two dejected disciples rehearsed the staggering events of the weekend, feeling more despondent with every step.

As Jesus silently listened, He desperately longed to reveal Himself to His downcast friends. But the Lord deliberately shielded His true identity because they needed now, more than ever, to understand the Scriptures. If Christ had allowed these two faithful followers to recognize who He was, they would have been far too excited to listen to the important truths He had to share.

Even after three and a half years of listening to His teaching and preaching, they still did not comprehend the nature of His mission. He had plainly told them, "The Son of man is delivered into the hands of men, and they shall kill him; and after that he is killed, he shall rise the third day. But they understood not that saying, and were afraid to ask him." Mark 9:31, 32. Jesus gently interrupted their sad conversation, and for the next two hours He gave them the keys for understanding all Scripture and prophecy.

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